Depression Treatment

Are you your own worst critic, constantly ruminating on all of the things you’ve done wrong?

Do feelings of low self-esteem, sadness, or despair prevent you from maintaining a sense of purpose and fulfillment?

Or do you find that you often become overly reactive or angry without a sense of why?

Perhaps you struggle with emotional symptoms of depression or a lingering sense of despair. Maybe you’re often tearful or agitated by otherwise inconsequential matters. Easily frustrated, you may find it difficult to maintain a sense of hope for the future, or perhaps the weight of the world’s problems has created a heavy burden that is getting harder and harder to lift. Because of this, it’s probably hard to find joy and meaning in the things that once motivated you. 

Alternatively, you may be seeing physical signs of depression in your day-to-day life. Perhaps your sleep has been adversely impacted and as a result, you are constantly lethargic and struggle to keep up with what’s expected of you. Or maybe you’ve noticed changes in certain routine activities—such as exercise, hobbies, or sex—that you once took pleasure in. It’s possible that achiness, nausea, and constant pain have caused you to feel chronically uncomfortable. 

When you’re dealing with depression, every aspect of your life is affected. Your relationships or work may suffer due to a lack of energy and low self-esteem. And, as a consequence, you may feel like you can’t get anything right. 

But healing is possible. With therapeutic treatment, you can let go of self-limiting beliefs, find relief from daily symptoms of depression, and regain a sense of confidence in yourself and the world around you. 

We All Live With A Critical Inner Voice That Causes Pain And Self-Doubt

As humans, we constantly hear from that voice in our head that narrates every aspect of our day. But too often, that voice becomes overly critical and antagonistic. For some of us, these criticisms stem from a fault-finding parent or someone else in our lives that has caused us to feel inadequate or unworthy. As a result, we may get stuck inside the negative commentary and begin believing all of the distorted things that voice is telling us. 

Moreover, all of that internal commentary is further perpetuated by the comparison culture created by social media and our societal tendency toward “keeping up with the Joneses.” And when we begin feeling challenged by life, we can turn to constant scrolling or substance use to tune out the world and the crummy feelings we’re battling within. 

In the long run, however, we are only harming ourselves when we look for distractions instead of truly examining what is taking place internally. And this kind of emotional avoidance not only leads to depression, but also jeopardizes our closest relationships—including the one that we have with ourselves. 

However, there is more to be heard than that voice that blames, nags, and criticizes. Beyond that ugly commentary lies an opportunity to overcome hopelessness and self-doubt. In therapy, you can develop the confidence and perspective to rise above the cloud that depression has cast over you. 

Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing Is An Effective Tool In Depression Treatment

When dredging through the lows of depression, it can be hard to feel like you have space or time free of any self-criticism and judgment. However, therapy is precisely the place where you can begin to feel genuinely seen and heard as you sort out your life’s most pressing challenges. 

The first session of depression treatment involves a thorough intake that will also give you a chance to address any questions you may have about therapy. During this time, we will work together to establish goals, discuss future sessions, and determine if we are a good fit. My goal is to help you feel supported and teach you meaningful skills that can assist you in learning how to overcome depression. 

Though I use traditional elements of talk therapy, I also incorporate Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) into all aspects of my practice, including treatment for depression. EMDR can help you identify the areas of your life that are not working and provide you with the proper tools to cope effectively. 

Because EMDR relies on the notion that all of us have experienced some form of trauma stored in our body from the moment it happens, this kind of therapy can help you redirect or respond differently to the trauma that has caused you to feel stuck. In time, you will be able to recognize and target negative or self-limiting belief patterns so that you can find sustained and meaningful relief. 

Since 2009, I have helped my clients feel seen and supported during periods of depression. Using EMDR, my clients have improved their coping skills and developed a stronger understanding of how to handle the difficult situations that life presents. 

Once you recognize that it’s possible to change your viewpoint in therapy, you can begin to feel a sense of freedom from the shackles of depression. 

Maybe you’re interested in treating your depression, but you have some questions…

I can just talk to my friends and family about my problems with depression—I don’t need therapy. 

While friends and family can be great support systems, they are not experts, and unfortunately, they can sometimes inadvertently steer us off course. Speaking with a therapist about your depression will help you clarify your needs and give you the tools for how to deal with difficult situations. As a result, you can gain a new and healthier perspective on life than the one dictated by that critical inner voice and the heavy burden of depression you have been carrying around. 

Therapy is too expensive. 

Though therapy can be costly, there is no price tag for your mental health and well-being. By engaging in talk therapy and using EMDR, my clients have reported meaningful changes in their perspective and relief from symptoms of depression. With these life-changing transformations, they have become more productive and report improvements in their quality of life.

I am afraid to open up about my depression in therapy. 

I understand that coming to someone you don’t know to speak about your problems can be scary and uncomfortable. Many of my clients experience some degree of fear or anxiety in the first session of depression treatment, but they always feel more comfortable as we get to know one another. Therapy is a collaborative effort, and I will always go at your pace and adjust treatment methods according to your needs. 

You Can Manage The Sadness, Anger, And Frustration Caused By Depression

If you are tired of that voice in your head that dwells on negativity, hopelessness, and fear, depression treatment can help you develop self-confidence and a new outlook. To schedule a free, 20-minute consultation or to learn more about what I can do to help you in overcoming depression, please contact me

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If you have any questions about depression treatment or would like to book a free, 20-minute consultation, please send me a message using the form below.