Common Ways Anxiety Manifests That May Surprise You

Anxiety is the number one mental health condition across the globe. Millions of people have been diagnosed with it. But, millions more are likely living with it without getting the help/treatment they deserve. 

That often occurs because people don’t know all the ways anxiety can manifest itself. 

Some symptoms like a racing heart and feelings of fear or worry are easily recognizable. But, anxiety can show up in a variety of less-expected (yet common) ways that may surprise you. 

Let’s look at a few of those common manifestations, so you can be more aware of what to look for. When you notice the severity of your own symptoms, you can look into getting the help you need. 

Muscle Tension

Do you often wake up feeling stiff or sore? Does your jaw hurt, and it takes hours just to feel “normal” again? 

Anxiety can cause a lot of muscle tension throughout the body, and it can even lead to pain. Many people with anxiety complain about back and neck pain because that’s where most of the muscle tension occurs. 

It’s also common for people with anxiety to clench their jaw at night. Obviously, this is something you won’t realize you’re doing until the morning when your mouth/jaw is in pain. That can end up causing some serious oral health damage, so you may benefit from wearing a mouth guard or talking to your dentist about options. 

Stomach Issues


Have you ever felt so anxious that it gave you a stomachache? For some people who struggle with constant anxiety, stomach problems might feel like “the norm”. It’s not uncommon for people with anxiety to deal with issues like: 

  • Bloating

  • IBS

  • Constipation

  • Indigestion

One reason for this is that anxiety tends to produce more cortisol within the body. This is a stress hormone that can wreak havoc on the healthy bacteria in your gut. So, you won’t just feel the occasional stomach ache. Rather, you might feel nauseous more often than not. 


Most people associate depression with fatigue and tiredness, but not anxiety. When you really think about it, though, it makes perfect sense why feeling anxious can make you exhausted all the time.  

Anxiety causes both your mind and body to work overtime. Your energy levels are constantly changing because you’re always worrying. That’s enough to make anyone tired!

Plus, anxiety often makes it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. It’s not uncommon for those with anxiety to also struggle with insomnia. Unfortunately, that causes a vicious cycle of being more anxious at night while sleeping less. 

Shortness of Breath

It’s normal to associate shortness of breath with an anxiety or panic attack. But, long-term anxiety can make you feel like it’s difficult to breathe almost all the time. 

Remember, anxiety causes muscle tension. That includes the muscles in your chest and airway. When that constriction occurs, it can be harder to take slow, deep breaths. You might feel you have to take shorter, shallow breaths just to get some air. 

Deep breathing is one way to combat anxiety, especially when you use it with meditation or mindfulness. So, work slowly and safely to get the slow breaths your body needs to calm down. As you head into a more relaxed state, that will become easier. 

If you regularly experience any of these symptoms, you’re not alone. But, you don’t have to live with them forever. Anxiety doesn’t go away on its own, but with help, you can work through the root of it and learn how to manage your symptoms effectively. Doing so allows you to take control of your life again, instead of letting your anxiety control you.

If you’d like to see how anxiety treatment could help you, please contact me.